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The Tilted Halo Issue No. 1

Sandra Martinez

The Tilted Halo Issue no. 1 newsletter – august 2020

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Honey Bees at Honalee

We decided to try our hand at honey this year. We were able to secure 5 five bee hives from The Brighton Bee Keepers Den; Dan Dan the Bee Man is our guy. He brought out 5 hives to start. Of the 5 we have one that is a bit dormant, not sure why but Dan Dan the Bee Man will figure it out soon. One hive is actually two swarms combined with one queen. Very exciting to watch.

We have hopes of harvesting honey starting towards the end of August. We’ll see what the bees say!

What shall we call the honey? Angel ___?___ Honey

2020 Honalee Crop

Our crop starts in early January. ACI built a small indoor vegetative grow space in the loft of our big barn. This allows us to cultivate our seed babies into mother plants and from there into the beautiful girls you see now. We use choice seeds developed in Colorado by a company called Centennial Seeds. Ben and his group have been designing and developing High Cannabinoid plants for several years; Ben in a pioneer is seed breeding for medicinal hybrid hemp. Every year we start with fresh crop seeds to ensure great product every time. Not all the plants are kept, we keep only the strongest and most vigorous growers to create our seasonal crops. We use two strains of plants to ensure a great balance of cannabinoids for our Angel Products.

Meet our Warrior Angels

Ryan Wilson, Grower and Warrior Angel, Ryan is Colorado born and proud of his state. Currently attending Regis University majoring in Environmental Science with a minor in Biology. This is Ryan’s second season at the farm. He’s Doc’s number 1 always there with enthusiasm and heart; backing up the boss. He makes working the farm easy. When Docs not around Ryan runs the show and does a great job. He really enjoys working the field and hanging out with the Thoroughbreds and the cattle. When Ryan’s not working or studying he’s at the gym or on the water kayaking or fishing. He’s an avid fisherman and always shares his pictures and stories. He’s looking for the big lunker large mouth bass. He also wants to try his hand at underwater spearfishing for sport fish. Big Shout Out To Ryan!!!

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